Hibernate in Ubuntu 12.04+ Versions ?

If you've just updated your Ubuntu Linux Version you might have already noticed that the Hibernate option of the System Menu isn't available. Sometimes, you may wonder whether the installation didn't perform 100% or you deleted some of the important system functionality mistakenly. But, it's not. 

Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't include Hibernate Option by it's own configuration.  So, why is such a vital function removed from Ubuntu Anyway. I'd like to mention my own experiences and important facts that I could learn during the 'Hunt for Hibernate'.

First, what is Hibernate ? Hibernate is a quick shutting down method for Computer Systems provided by the respective operation system of the very Computer system that it resides. 

What Happens in Hibernate ? Unlike regular Shutdown, Hibernate happens faster & stores the current system state & program states within  a very short range of time & finally the copy of all above are kept stored in the Hard Drive until the reboot.

Reason to remove Hibernate is that it led to massive system errors for the Linux users during all of previous versions of the Operating Systems. If you use Wi-Fi for the most part you might have  experienced that after Hibernate the Wi-Fi card malfunctions for the most part. Most importantly, Hibernate didn't actually, saved the system state as it's supposed to be.

So, to avoid users using this option Ubuntu Linux Distribution 12.04 doesn't include the Hibernate Option in System Menu yet it includes in the Linux Kernel.

To make sure your system performs Hibernate. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to get Terminal & Type & Run the following Command.

$sudo pm-hibernate

 Restart, your Computer & Check whether Programs are restored. If not, then there may be a problem with Swap Partition of Your System. Swap is nothing new to Linux User. During the Linux installation, It's advised  to leave Swap Partition Space of Twice as the Actual RAM.

To Check whether it's properly partitioned. Launch System Monitor Utility. It's installed in Ubuntu in default. If it's not available Launch Software Center and Download it.

Then, Check it like shown in the Resources Tab.

If Swap Partition Space is less than the Twice the Size of RAM. You'll need to Change them. Use GParted from Live CD & Change it.

Finally, Understand that Using Hibernate in Terminal sometimes is less easier compared to the Use of Hibernate in System Menu.

So, To get the Hibernate Option on to the System Menu, Follow the instructions Below.

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T & Launch Terminal.

2. Type Following Commands.

$ cd /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/

$sudo vi com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla

3. Write the following Code inside the File.

[Enable Hibernate]

4. Save & Close Vi Editor.

5. Logout & Login. Check whether Hibernate is there in the System Menu.

Thank You!

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