Install MySQL Workbench with lampp Server in Linux

I've always been a great admirer of MySQL query browser & MySQL administrator tools provided by MySQL official website. But, currently they have limited the development of multiple GUI tools and instead focused on developing the MySQL workbench.

I'm a fan of  'Navicat Premium' in windows application because it serves multiple administration tasks as well as SQL Editing , Development, Designing for both Microsoft SQL & MySQL.

But, recently as my  love of Linux grew than I expected & I had to find new GUI tool specifically for MySQL in Linux. So, this blog post is about installing MySQL workbench the one I suggest everyone should try at least once. (I Used to hang on with 'Emma')

First, let me get this straight. This blog post was intended to be for people who currently do have lampp server installed in their Linux Operating System. (as I used to be one of them)

First, Download Libzip by using the links given below.

Then, Download libmysqlClient by using the links given below.

Then, Press Ctrl+ T & start your Terminal. Type the following Command. 

$ sudo apt-get install libzip1 python-paramiko python-pysqlite2 libctemplate0 libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a libmysqlclient16

Now, you can download MySQL Workbench from the official Download Page. If you're lazy enough not to find it here it is. Download .deb & type the following command in order to install it inside your Linux System.

sudo dpkg -i mysql-workbench-gpl-X.X.XX-XubuXXXX-XXXX.deb 

Hope, it worked. Thank You Enjoy MySQL Workbench.

1 comment:

jack said...

It is nice post.i really enjoy it.
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