Quick Fix - Could not find this item. This is no longer located. Verify the item location and try again”

If you encounter below Error, and you are unable to delete an unwanted folder in Windows, there are things you need to do and you need to know before doing them.

“Could not find this item. This is no longer located in [Path]. Verify the item’s location and try again”

Most likely, File is created by a running third party service (An Application) and file extension is unrecognized in windows.

rd  - is the directory removal command in CMD.

1. Go to Start ⊞ Win

2. Type CMD

3. Type Below Command & Make sure to replace [PATH] with your undeletable Folder Location.

rd /s \\?\X:\"Need to delete path"

For Example : 

rd /s \\?\"C:\Users\Harsha\Desktop\Wlan Recovery"

This will completely remove the Directory. you will be able to see that the directory is no longer there use below command. 

cd "C:\Users\Harsha\Desktop\Wlan Recovery"

Hope it Works!! Peace .

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